The CES has over the years included a number of tests of the impact of questionnaire design. This was particularly true of the 2011 survey. As the CES team conducts analyses on the impacts of question changes and experiments in the 2011 survey (as well as previous surveys), we will post short methodological briefs below.
This page will also include some recent working papers using CES data, some drawn from recent conference presentations, some produced just for distribution here.
Methodological Briefs
2013-A: Photo Manipulations in the 2011 CES. Patrick Fournier, Stuart Soroka, Fred Cutler and Dietlind Stolle.
2013-B: Characteristics of Survey Waves in the 2011 CES. Jessica Behnke.
Working Papers
2013-01: Who Responds to Election Campaigns? The Two-Mediator Model Revisited. Patrick Founier, Fred Cutler, and Stuart Soroka.
2013-02: The Impact of News Photos on Support for Military Action. Stuart Soroka Peter Loewen, Patrick Fournier and Daniel Rubenson.
2013-03: Ethnic Diversity and Social Solidarity in Canada. Stuart Soroka, Richard Johnston, Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka.